Gol Kanon Eco Resort Sundarban
Gol Kanon Eco Resort Sundarban
Reservation: 01611102324
Gol Kanon Eco Resort is located at West Dhangmari, Mongla. Just half an hour from Mongla Port, the eco lodge is located just the bank of Posur River. So, you can have a tremendous view of Sundarban from the cottage. Gol Kanon Eco Resort is a community-based Eco Tourism initiative established by Relief International and marketed by Avijatrik Tourism. The vision of this project is to support local communities with sustainable alternative livelihood to reduce usage of natural resources. An ecotourism site dedicated to a plant Golpata or Nypa Palm that lends itself to grace, adding to the bizarre beauty of the Sundarbans, A colorful jetty marks the beginning of the Gol Kanon site. This mangrove eco-site is surrounded by the Golpata and a huge pond with two cottages built on top of it and two more cottages on the other side, making this a unique site that offers 2 different accommodation experiences. A narrow brick pathway leads towards the Multipurpose shed, meant for performances and large gatherings, as you pass the animal sheds housing the local livestock. You can go for relaxing boat rides own the Dhangmari canal, watch the early morning birds from the pond cottages or cook with the host family to prepare your own exotic meal.