Nagarkot is a village in central Nepal, at the rim of the Kathmandu Valley. It’s known for its views of the Himalayas, including Mount Everest to the northeast, which are especially striking at sunrise and sunset. The surrounding scrubland is laced with trails and home to many butterflies. To the west is the ancient, pagoda-style Changunarayan Temple, dedicated to Vishnu and a Hindu pilgrimage site.
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Kathmandu is the capital and largest city of Nepal, with a population of around one million. Kathmandu is also the second largest metropolis in term of area after Pokhara in hilly region.
Pokhara Nepal
Discover PokharaNepal is a landlocked country in South Asia. It is located mainly in the Himalayas, but also includes parts of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. With an estimated population of 26.4 million, it is 48th largest country by population and 93rd largest country by area. It borders China in the north and India in the south, east, and west while Bangladesh is located within only 27 km (17 mi) of its southeastern tip and Bhutan is separated from it by the Indian state of Sikkim. Nepal has a diverse geography,