Nest of Royal Bengal Tiger,Sundarban
Explore Sundarbans, the largest Mangrove Forest in the world, in its gloriously haunting beauty. The 3 days and 2 nights tour are specially designed to give the visitors an experience of a lifetime. This mangrove forest hosts an amazing faunal & floral diversity, including the probably largest remaining population of Royal Bengal tigers, the endangered estuarine crocodile, Ganges River dolphins as well as an astounding variety of birds. Join the Adventure Cruise and explore this intricate maze of tidal waterways, a natural treasure of Bangladesh. Explore Herbaria, Kochikhali, Dimer Char, Katka,and Karamjal like you never did before. Your journey to the Sundarbans will begin through the world's largest mangrove forest. The tour is made safe with armed guards on board from Khulna to Sundarbans. The tour is entertaining, with delectable full-board meals provided on all tour days.
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- Stay at Gol Kanon Eco Resort at Sundarban.
- Visit Sundarban, the largest mangrove on earth while supporting ecotourism and wildlife conservation efforts.
- Visit Karamjol and Harbariya. Two distinctive locations are famous for wildlife exploration in Sundarban.
- Stay in the midst of Sundarban with a local family. We have a security protocol for you!
- Exotic local food and cultural program will surely amaze you.
- Visiting Karamjol & Harbariya Eco-Tourism site
- Food is at its best with 7-8 items per meal

Your trip will be started from the Saydabad bus terminal by riding on a chair coach bus to Mongla Port.
The bus will leave at 9:00 PM from Dhaka and should be reaching Mongla by 5 AM.
Banobibi & Silent Boat
From Katakhali, a reserve sedan car will take you to the Mongla port. It's only half an hour journey.
7:00 AM: Boat journey to cross the Posur river in 10 minutes.
7:20 AM: Local transportation to reach Gol Kanon Eco Cottage. (20 minutes). You’ll be received by the local communities with flowers & refreshing coconut water. Upon arrival at the cottage breakfast will be served with 4-5 local food items.
1:30 PM: Lunch will be served with delicious local fish dishes and other food items. You’ll get a chance to experience at least 7-8 local exotic food items.
3 PM: A silent boat trip will be arranged to roam around the canals. Also, a small walk expedition on which the guides from local communities will secure you.
6 PM: End of Silent boat trip and snacks will be served.
10 PM: Dinner will be served with 7-8 local food items. Night stay at ECO Cottage.
Explore the Wilderness
7 AM: Breakfast with local food items. (Egg, Ruti, Vegetable, Dal, Fruits).
8:00 AM: The boat trip to Karamjol and Harvariya will be started. A touring boat capacity of 15 people will be provided along with other precautionary equipment and a local guide. It’d take 40 min to reach Karamjol Wildlife Rescue Center and it’d take 3 hours to reach Harvariay Tourist Spot. On each spot, you’ll get 2 hours to roam around and explore the deep portion of the Sundarbans.
Lunch will be served on the boat.
5 PM: End of boat ride & start the journey to Khulna city by a reserve sedan car.
8 PM: Dinner will be served on the way to a local restaurant with Chui Jhal (A local traditional food item).
9 PM: Journey towards Dhaka by highway chair coach bus from Khulna City.
- Tour Guide
- All transportation in the destination location
- All Meals with 7-8 items
- Personal Expenses such as Laundry, telephone calls, tips. Liquor, boating & joy rides.
- Any other item not specified in "Cost Includes".
Package: Deluxe
Solo Traveler | 2 PAX | 3 PAX | 4 PAX | 5 PAX | 6 PAX | 8 PAX | 10 PAX | 10 PAX+ |
- | ৳ 8,900 | ৳ 8,900 | ৳ 8,900 | ৳ 8,900 | ৳ 8,900 | ৳ 8,900 | ৳ 8,500 | - |
Child - /w bed: N/A Child - /wo bed: N/A
* Price is showing for each person (PAX). If price is ৳ 8,900/PAX, then total for 2 PAX will be ৳ 17,800 and so on...
Price Calculator

Select Pacakge To Calculate Price
- Theme
- Culture
- Duration
- 2Day(s) - 1Night(s)
- Location
- Bangladesh
Most of our holiday packages are non refundable but in some cases we may allow the cancellation and do the refund:
If you cancel the holiday then the refund criteria will be:
You, or any member of your party, may cancel their travel arrangements at any time. Written notification or an e-mail to that effect from the person who made the booking must be received at our offices. The applicable cancellation charges are as per the published refund policy below:
Refund charges:
- Prior to 45 days or more: Booking Fee
- Between 44-31 days ahead of departure: 50% of tour cost
- Between 30-16 days of departure: 75% of tour cost
- 15 days to date of departure: 100%
- In case of no show: 100%
- You will get the refund after deducting the stated percentage.